It filters any malicious content from the code.As the app is made by Kaspersky, it primarily focuses on security by scanning the QR codes for any virus before displaying information.It provides all the relevant features of a QR scanner. Kaspersky’s QR Code Reader and Scanner is a famous app made by Kaspersky, a renowned company for its security products.

The app automatically detects the relevant information stored in the code and works accordingly.This app helps to store the history of barcodes scanned through it which helps the user to keep track of products and information.You just have to point the camera towards the code and it easily decodes the code and displays the information stored in it. It works very much similar to a built-in app. QR & Barcode Scanner by Gamma Play is an excellent app to scan QR codes and other types of barcodes. We have carefully crafted a list of the 5 best QR Scanner Apps for iOS and Android. Yet, many devices still require an additional app to scan the QR code.